Collection: Artisan Teas

Sometimes All You Need Is a Great Cup of Tea

​We aim to create delicious teas that feel good to your body and heart, naturally. They are blended with high quality ingredients to deliver a smooth and satisfying cup each and every time.

Therefore, you won't see a bubble gum or birthday cake tea here. We pride ourselves on mastering the art of combining beneficial and tasty elements that warm your heart and tickle your tongue with earthy goodness.

Some may say, what's wrong with artificial flavorings?! I love my razzle dazzle lollipop sprinkle plumpleberry tea!!

Nothing is wrong with them if that's what you love! We don't judge.

The great thing is that your kitchen can hold a lot of tea! And we're sure you'll want to find some room on your shelf for us.

Happy sipping!​